Sunday, January 15, 2012

Projects in Progress

Lest you think I'm just spending all my free time on pintrest, let me assure you that we really have been working. : ) Problem is, we either don't have all the necessary tools, or we just haven't unboxed them. Grrrrr...... Bottom line, several projects have been started, but none have been completed. I'll go ahead and share a few pix of what we've been up to.

Hanging shelves in the garage to store all of my holiday decorations......

This shelf is 12 feet long. We've got plans to go all the way around the garage at least once. We've got plenty of room, so we might put up a second shelf just under this first one.

These are just a FEW of our Christmas decorations!

Creating our "J" wall......

Yes, I know some of them are crooked. There's also one missing. Wanna know what else is missing??? My glue gun!! As soon as I find it, I'll get those pesky, crooked J's glued to the wall.

All of the J's fit perfectly in the space between the laundry room and pantry. This is the view from the island. I think it looks GREAT!!

Just a fun craft......

This is my new BFF - don't know why I never purchased one before. It made spray painting SO MUCH easier!!

Here's my $3 tray. The label on the back says this is supposed to be for a Pyrex baking dish, but I had other ideas. I knew it would be the perfect place to corral the sugar, sweetener, creamer - you know, all the stuff that accompanies your morning coffee.

A fresh coat of black paint and this tray has a whole new life!! Our Keurig is just to right of the tray. (Out of the picture.)

As soon as I unpack my Cricut cartridges and black vinyl, I will make new labels for the canisters and this project will be complete!

Well, that's enough of an update for now. Guess I'd better unpack a few more boxes so I can get these projects finished!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sorry for the delay. So much has happened in the past few weeks. It's been impossible to sit down to blog. Of course, the biggest news is that we moved into our new home and moved completely out of our old one. It took more trips that any of us thought it would, but we finally did it.

Moving day was a cold, drizzly December day. It was in the 20's with a constant heavy drizzle - not fun. Still, it wasn't bad. I guess the excitement of moving in warmed even that miserable weather. I'll tell ya - this was the day I officially fell in love with our electric fireplace. Instant heat! Whoo Hoo!

I had to work 6:30-6:30 the week prior to Christmas. When I was home, we tried to open boxes and at least get some spaces presentable, becuase my mom and dad came to see us the week after Christmas. They spent the week with us and it was great to see them.

This week, Dave and I both got the stomach bug! YUCK!!! He missed 1 day of work and I missed 2. (Sorry Mom and Dad -- hope ya'll didn't get it!!)

Here are a few pictures......Yes, they showcase our messy home. Don't judge - just re-read the above!! ; )

View from our bedroom door, facing the front of the family room.

Collection of Snow Villages. This bookcase is to the right of the tv. We're already planning how to display them next year.

Our "main tree" in the Dining Room.

The "family tree" in the Scrapbook Room.

View into the kitchen. Geez - I didn't realize I still had that much space above the cabinets. When you actually look at them, it doesn't seem like it.

The Guest Bedroom. Mom and Dad were the first ones to stay here. Since they stayed a week, I guess they liked it! : )

We obviously have a long way to go before our home will be "finished" (as if it ever will be...), but we're working on it. This is the fun part!!

Check back again and I'll try to post more reguarly!