Sunday, October 14, 2012

Black paint is finished!!

(Can you believe it -- 2 posts in one day! Yeah for me!)

We finally got the black paint on my new scrapbook cabinets! I love it!! I'm going to wait for at least a week before I start distressing them. I want to make sure the paint is fully cured. We are definitely not professionals, but I think they turned out pretty great!

Back Yard - Almost Done

Yay! Our back yard landscaping is almost done. (Again, for the fall, only. I have many more plans, but they'll wait until next spring.)

We dug a new flowerbed today and I finally got my fall blooming plants in place. This bed is along the inside wall of our master closet.

Obviously, we ran out of the stone. These are the extras we've had from the other beds. Looks like a trip to Lowe's! I put in some irises from Dave's mom's yard, fall aster, hens & chicks, autumn sedum, and a vitex tree.

This bed is along the back fence, beside the gate. It's anchored by a juniper on one end and a guara on the other. I know they are hard to see, so I'll just tell you what's there. (Left to right....) lantana, fall aster, purple mum, autumn sedum, guara. Love my iron fence and my weather vane. We know the weather vane needs to be higher to actually work, but I don't want anything to happen to it.

There are lots of holes for spring and summer plants! Yippee!! I'll spend the winter going through my gardening books and magazines, picking out just the perfect plants.

Have I told you how much I love my flowerbeds? 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Front yard landscaping - DONE!

Hooray! The front yard landscaping is done --- at least for this year!! (Ha Ha!! I'm never really done! I'm sure when next Spring rolls around, I'll be itching to do something else!!)

We spent time last weekend shopping and planting and I'm so happy with the results. The trees are both small, but they'll fill in nicely in a few short years.

The large tree in the middle of the yard is a Chinese Pistache. It's a Texas Super Star and is supposed to be well suited for our weather. The leaves are just starting to turn a deep burgundy. The small one at the corner of the house is a Dwarf Alberta Spruce.

I think all these touches make our new house look less like a "new build" and more like a "home".

 (OK - So I should have moved the bright yellow water hose before I started taking pictures!!)

I also planted some new fall perennials. I put yellow and burgundy mums, oxalis, and kale in all three beds.

Unfortunately, the weather was dark and overcast, so the colors look very muted. In person, all of the flowers are blooming and the colors are rich and vibrant. I just love spending time in my gardens! I find such peace and joy with the dirt and the flowers!

Now, I just need to finish the backyard. (And the scrapbook room, and the garage, and my master closet, and......)