Friday, January 29, 2010

Life on the Texas South Plains

Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., it was still in the 60's.

Thursday morning at 9:30, it looked like this!!

By about 10:30, it looked like this!

Oh yeah - did I mention the sleet? The thunder? The rain? YUCK!!
Of course, it sure was beautiful!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Simple Walk on the Wild Side

It's Wednesday night and that means one thing - time to post my most recent tablescape so I can particpate in Tablescape Thursday! It's my fav day in Blog World!! I'm always completely blown away by all the fabulous tables!!

Between all the business of Christmas and Valentine's Day, I decided to do a simple table - A Simple Walk on the Wild Side!
I started with my woven rattan charges from Walmart, then layered on my octagonal black plate. The salad bowls are wooden and were a great thrift store find! 6 bowls for less than $2.50.
The table runner is actually very long and I had to fold it (and fold it and then fold it again!) to get the spacing just right.
I envision some beautiful amber/brown stemware and special flatware, but both are out of range - both price range and storage range! I just used my everyday glasses and silverware. I think it looks OK.
Napkins are old black cloth napkins I've had for a long time. The napkin rings are carved wood. I love them. I just realized I didn't take a close-up picture of them. Sorry. I'd better keep working on my bloggy pix!
I didn't get a very clear picture, but this is the bottom of a wooden bowl. It says "Heirloom Walnut".

Thanks to everyone who wrote sweet comments after my last (first ever "published") tablescape. It was fun knowing that someone else had actually looked at this crazy blog! Sorry, but I haven't yet figured out how to leave comments on all the blogs I've been checking out.
Btw - Great news! I won a bid on ebay and now have a new set of my Christmas dishes!!! I lost one bid but won the better one!! Whoo Hoo for me!!
Now, head back to Between Naps on the Porch to look at some professional tables!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Craigslist Purchase!

Yippee!! I just picked up my first purchase from Craigslist. I've been searching for a new bedside table but haven't found what I'm looking for - certainly not in my price range. Well, while I searching on Craigslist, I came upon a wooden cabinet that I think has real potential! I'm not exactly sure of what I want to do with it. In fact, I'm not entirely sure I still want it as a bedside table. Crazy, huh? Still a wooden cabinet for $35 - I couldn't pass it up!

It's more rustic than I had been looking for, but I know I can change it. (It's easier than trying to change a person - ha ha!) Have spray paint - will change you!

22" high x 33" long x 12" deep

The previous owner had already sanded the entire piece. She had thought about redoing it somehow, but just never did. Yeah for me - the hard part is finished already!

What should I do with it??

2 projects -- done!

Yippee for me - I've finished 2 projects. I didn't take any before/after pix b/c quite honestly, I'm probably the only person who can see the difference. That's OK. It was great for me.

1) Organized pictures and memorabilia
Dr Dave and I enjoy doing lots of things together + I am an avid scrapbooker (at least in my mind when I have lots of free time!) = tons of "stuff" to preserve our memories! If you're a scrapbooker, you'll understand...... I keep EVERYTHING until I finish my page. You never know when you'll need just that extra little touch!! Unfortunately, that means lots of "things" in lots of different sizes - all stacked up somewhere. Not pretty! Now, everything is neatly stored in labeled clasp envelopes. Much better!!

2) Cleaned out my closet
I didn't do the full - take every thing out and try it all on - kind of job, and it still took me an hour. I mainly cleaned out shirts, but I also parted with some purses, shoes, and even a dress. I don't know about anyone else, but it's hard for me to part with these things. I KNOW they don't fit.....I KNOW they aren't exactly at the height of fashion. Still, I can't seem to get rid of them. Well, I did it! I was quite ruthless, at least for me. Now I have a couple of boxes ready for GW. I figure I shop there enough - I should help build their inventory!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I fired somebody

Yuck - This afternoon I fired somebody. This has been a long time coming, but it still wasn't fun. This person is really nice and has been with us for about 6 months. Problem is - s/he just wasn't getting it. We are a super high quality Preschool/Child care center and this person just wasn't meeting the requirements of the job. Why should someone have to tell you to help pick up the sand toys? Why should someone have to tell you not to give a treat to only 1 child (in front of about 20 others!) How many times do you have to be told to be here on time?

I'm completely confident that this was the right decision. I'm not second guessing it at all. This individual knew the consequences and still made those choices. Sadly, when confronted with those choices, suddenly the problem was everyone else.......not the individual.

Friday will be interesting -- this person won't be around. I bet there will be some questions........

Saturday, January 16, 2010

One of my favorite things

One of my favorite things in life is Saturday morning breakfasts with my hubby! We go out just about every Saturday morning and I love it. Sometimes it's McDonald's for a Big Breakfast and a Deluxe Breakfast. Sometimes it's Krispy Kreme for the chocolate covered creme-filled and an original donut. We've even been known to go to Golden Coral for a little bit of everything! Today we tried a new place - The Rain Cafe. Pretty ironic since it hardly ever rains here! Still, it was delish!

I love this simple pleasure!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Do NOT Try This at Home!

I love being a Preschool Director! I get to experience so many firsts and it's wonderful. After being in this field for over 20 years, I figured I had probably seen most of the "firsts". Well, this was one I have certainly never experienced.....

We have a beautiful 3-year-old girl.....Let's call her *. You know the type - Strawberry blonde hair, big eyes, big smile, sweet personality. She's always "dressed" from head to toe, including those big colorful bows. Both of her parents are professional people and are always smartly dressed as well. Got a good picture in your mind?

Well, *'s breath suddenly started SMELLING!! Not just a little, but HORRIBLY so! Eye watering, knock you over, gag you, kind of filthy stench! We couldn't figure it out. Everything seemed the same. We washed her hands and face frequently and gave her good-smelling lotion. We figured maybe she had a bad sinus infection or maybe a cavity.

On Monday, her mom came in, asking us if we noticed that * really STUNK!! She said the same thing -- they had been giving * bath after bath, had put tons of lotion on her, etc. Still, no one could find the source.

When mom was helping * blow her nose, she said, "Ow Mommy. Wipee." OMG - this precious girl had stuck a wipee UP HER NOSE without telling anyone and it had been there for A WEEK!!! When mom finally got it out............ It was too terrible for me to even write!

Now, * doesn't stink! She smells just like a sweet little 3-year-old girl should smell!! : )

Moral: Don't put a wet wipee up your nose and leave it there for a week!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas tablescape

Well, after about a year of stalking - I mean following!! : ) so many wonderful blogs with beautiful tablescapes, I decided to post one of my own. It's not as fancy as so many others, but it's beautiful to Dr. D and me. We've been happy to share it with friends and family. Thanks for bearing with me as I share our Christmas table.
(I didn't think about taking all the detail pictures. I'll get better before my next tablescape post.)

The tablecloth is a true red, with a velvet border. There are embroidered poinsettias and leaves on each of the 4 corners. I purchased it at Target after Christmas 2008. The candle holders were a new purchase this year. I bought the set at Walgreens for $5! I love that they are different heights - no need for hidden lifts! : )

I bought my Christmas dishes many years ago at K-Mart. Unfortunately, I only bought a service for 4. I've been looking for more pieces, but haven't had any luck. Has anyone seen this pattern lately??
The glasses were a lucky Goodwill find.

It's called Poinsettia Ribbon and it's made by Fairfield.

The green salad plates are Bordello. I found 4 at a local antique mall and I love them. Sorry - I forgot to take a picture of the back.

I topped the plates with a green napkin with a simple faux poinsettia tucked inside.
Hmmm....not sure why the fork looks so crooked. It's really just a normal fork!!

Well, that's my table. Not too fancy - not too plain - it's just right for us! Thanks for looking!

Now, head back to Between Naps on the Porch and check out all the other beautiful tablescapes.


Monday, January 11, 2010

10,000 step club

Some teachers at work have started a new club - the 10,000 Step Club. I joined, thinking I walk a lot during the day.....this can't be that hard. HA!! The first week, I logged about a third of what I should have. What?? Walking up and down that long hall doesn't add up to 10,000 steps? Well, today I logged about 6,000! Whew! I say "about" because I just discovered that I accidentally hit reset! Augh! OK - tomorrow I have another chance to hit that magical number.

More on Coach Leach....
I'm NOT saying that he shouldn't have been fired. I don't know the facts. Maybe there were lots of things that went on that culminated in his termination. I just know that the Tech administration did a terrible, dirty-handed job with the whole situation. If the few emails that have been released are any indication, then this firing has been in the planning for a long time, and that's just wrong. Come on - this is the same administration that not only courted, but worshiped Coach Bobby Knight and there are tapes and personal (undisputed) testimonies describing his abuse against players. Coach Leach is accused by 1 player and he is fired? Where was the investigation? Where is the equity? I know he isn't coming back. He's gone and we have a new coach. The problem is the administration is still here - still doing what they've done all along. It's just wrong! OK. I'm through ranting. I will try not to write anymore about this. No guarantees, though.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Coach Leach and Tech football fans got screwed!

I haven't posted in a week because I haven't had time! I've been obsessed - spending every available moment focusing on the firing of TTU Head Coach Mike Leach!

What happened to him (and to the fans!) was horrible!! Even IF there were grounds for termination, how the Tech Admin handled the situation was so terrible! (Btw - the jury is definitely still out on whether there were in fact legitmate grounds!) Yes, there's no doubt - Coach Leach is well, UNIQUE!

That doesn't make him a terrible person. Yes, he had an ego - Tell me a football coach anywhere who doesn't! Still, NO ONE can argue what he brought to Tech and to Lubbock. He was the Big 12 Coach of the Year and took us to Bowl Games each of the 10 years he was here. He gave us winning seasons and made it fun to go to the games.

Dr. Dave and I have taken my mil to every home game for the last several years. We honestly don't know if we'll renew our tickets for the 2010. We support the TEAM but we DO NOT support the Tech ADMINISTRATION!!!!

Dr. Dave and I each have 2 degrees from Tech and have always been proud Red Raiders. With this fiasco, we are embarassed. It's time for the NCAA and others to get involved. The politics within the university STINK!

Still, Go RAIDERS!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Whew - I'm beat today! 7 of the 21 teachers were out today, and 1 spot has yet to be filled. That, plus tons of phone calls and people coming in and out of my office and a morning meeting. Whew! I had purposefully left today pretty open, but not to deal with all of this. Oh my! Good thing I love my job!! ; )

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 2010 - a new year and a new blog entry

Yes, I've been a terrible blogger. Had so many good intentions, but....... So, here's a new opportunity. I love to decorate my home for Christmas! It makes everything seem so much homey-er. Is that even a real word??? Anyway, I love how my home looks when it's so bright and festive! I generally put the same things out every year, but I try to vary how I put them together. I think it's fun! Before I take everything down and store them in the garage, I thought I'd post some of my favorite decorations. WARNING - This post is photo-intense! Even though I didn't post any of the close-ups, there are still lots of pictures. Just smile and nod.......

Collection of Santas on the mantle. My mother-in-law made the stockings.
Carousel horse ornaments. My dream is to have enough to fill a tree. I have 19 right now, so I'm on my way!

Purple is my favorite color, so guess what -- our formal tree is purple! It is 10 feet tall and full of purple, silver, and white. I LOVE IT!!
Riley waiting under the tree. I'm sure she's wishing for the 18" long rawhide bone that Santa had ready to put in her stocking!!

Our family tree is in the Scrapbook Room. I love it. It's filled with ornaments that are special to us as a couple. We've added ones from trips along with special wedding ornaments and keepsakes. This tree just makes me happy.

Gingerbread in the dining room.

Poinsettas on the table. I bought these dishes years ago at K-Mart. At the time, I only wanted a set of 4. Now of course, I wish I had at least 6. Looks like I'm on another search.....more poinsetta dishes!

Snow Village collection. I really like the different villages that you can find, but my first one was the original - Dept. 56 Snow Villages. I'll stick with this one. I just love all the houses and businesses.

I don't like how the cords show, but I haven't figured out a good way to hide them. I don't want to cut a hole in this bookcase. Any ideas??

Angel tree in the Master Bedroom.

My dad built the clock for me several years ago. I LOVE it!

Guest bath. My grandmother and great-grandmother made the crochet ornaments. I LOVE them! My grandmother's tree was always filled with them, so having them hang in my house brings her a little closer.

My mom made the wall hanging. I have matching pillows in my bedroom.

Who knows what I'll do next year! I have 10 months to plan! Yippee!!