Collection of Santas on the mantle. My mother-in-law made the stockings.
Carousel horse ornaments. My dream is to have enough to fill a tree. I have 19 right now, so I'm on my way!
Purple is my favorite color, so guess what -- our formal tree is purple! It is 10 feet tall and full of purple, silver, and white. I LOVE IT!!
Our family tree is in the Scrapbook Room. I love it. It's filled with ornaments that are special to us as a couple. We've added ones from trips along with special wedding ornaments and keepsakes. This tree just makes me happy.
Gingerbread in the dining room.
Poinsettas on the table. I bought these dishes years ago at K-Mart. At the time, I only wanted a set of 4. Now of course, I wish I had at least 6. Looks like I'm on another search.....more poinsetta dishes!
I don't like how the cords show, but I haven't figured out a good way to hide them. I don't want to cut a hole in this bookcase. Any ideas??
Angel tree in the Master Bedroom.
Guest bath. My grandmother and great-grandmother made the crochet ornaments. I LOVE them! My grandmother's tree was always filled with them, so having them hang in my house brings her a little closer.
My mom made the wall hanging. I have matching pillows in my bedroom.
Who knows what I'll do next year! I have 10 months to plan! Yippee!!
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