Saturday was "Weigh-in Day". I'm always nervous to step on those scales!! Luckily, the lady behind the counter never announces my weight and it doesn't show up where people can see it. I just quietly take off my shoes, wait for her signal, and then step on the scales. I hold my breath and try to think "thin thoughts." I don't even look at the print-out until I'm safely back in the truck. I never really know if I've lost weight until I look at my book. THIS TIME........14.0 pounds down!!! Whoo Hoo for me!!!
I've noticed that my clothes that were "just right" are now a little loose and my clothes that were "too tight" are fitting, but I still didn't know about the "number". Well, now I know and I couldn't be happier.
I still hate it - don't get me wrong. My deisre for my favorite foods hasn't gone away. Still, the fact that my clothes are fitting and that my weight is dropping is certainly helping my motivation. Guess I'll keep going.
I don't have a goal weight in mind. I'm just taking it pound by pound.
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