Wednesday, October 23, 2013

San Antonio

Dr. Dave had a conference in San Antonio and I was lucky enough to get to tag along!!

We rode the boat on the River Walk. I've walked along it several times, but have never done the boat tour. I am terrified of water, so I wasn't sure how it was going to go. It ended up being really fun! We started it at dusk and it became dark when we were close to the end. It was beautiful. (Finding out the river was only 3-5 feet deep helped a lot, too!!) 


Look at this deformed duck. He neck is curved like a 'z'. It sure didn't slow him down in any way!

We spent a few hours at the Alamo. It was a gorgeous (and hot!!) Saturday afternoon. I was here when I was about 10, but there was a horrible thunderstorm. Trust me - this time was much better!!

Hee hee...... This picture should actually be turned with the pole facing down. It's a HUGE tree that has grown completely around the pole. I just think it's looks really funny in this direction!!
Nom Nom Nom...

After the Alamo, we spent a little time at the Japanese Tea Garden. It was really, really beautiful!! See the bride in the center of this picture? She was having her bridal portrait made. This is a perfect location and she was such a pretty bride.

The mall at the River Walk has this MOST AWESOME store!!! I was among my people!!

It was so nice to get away for a few days.
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