Friday, November 22, 2013

Santa Fe

My sweet hubby and I were able to spend some time together in Santa Fe last week and it was great!! I was invited to Albuqueque to do some staff development for a local Head Start program and Dave and I were able to steal away for a few hours. We had never been to Santa Fe together, and this was the perfect opportunity.

First stop...... The Loretto Chapel

If you are unaware of the chapel, be sure to read more about it. Not only is it gorgeous, but it has a beautiful story to match.

Disclaimer: Sorry about my pictures. I tried using my "fancy pants" camera, but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing! I just turn a lot of dials and click. Guess I really should practice with intention!!
OK - back to our original programming! 



I took lots of pictures of the actual staircase, again just trying out different settings on my camera. I love how each picture expresses a different feeling and sense. You notice something a little different in each shot.
When you are in the chapel, you just know that something extraordinary happened here!

We spent the rest of the time just wandering around the square. It was a beautiful fall evening, just cool and crisp enough to make you know that you are alive!  

It was hard to drive away!! We are already planning a return trip. If you've never been to Santa Fe, you really should go! It's beautiful!! (Plus, there's tons of amazing food and shopping!! What's not to love about that?!?)
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1 comment:

Kelcy said...

I've seen the cathedral with the famous staircase. Amazing! Cool story behind it.