Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Riley Girl

Our precious lab is doing well in her new home. Actually, she adjusted very quickly (if you don't count when she got out of her cage for several days in a row and tried to eat her way through the door and into the house!! GRR!!!!)

We bought her a new bright pink collar last weekend. We took her to PetsMart just for a new collar and left with a huge bag of food, a 10 pound box of treats, a "special treat" to eat that evening, and I'm not sure what else! Good thing we don't take her shopping very often!! Ha Ha!!

This is the best picture I could get of her pink collar. See her foot inside the ball? That means she is taking a break. In just a moment, she'll take her foot out and toss the ball to someone to throw it.

She LOVES to play ball!!!

Love her spotted tongue!! She is really such a sweet, special dog!! We are really lucky!

Other fun news -- I have passed my 20 pound goal at Weight Watchers!! Whoo Hoo!! I have lost 21.4 pounds!! Yeah for me!! I'm not done yet. I don't have an official next goal - I am just going to continue losing until I'm finished.

We bought a Total Gym a long time ago. (Don't ask me - I'm not going to tell you how long ago!!) We have both recommited ourselves to using it to get stronger, in addition to getting smaller!

Here we go!

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